Fresh CentOS 7 Install NGINX yum install screen epel-release -y yum install nginx -y mkdir /etc/nginx/sites-available/ systemctl start nginx systemctl enable nginx MySQL wget rpm -ivh mysql57-community-release-el7-8.noarch.rpm rm -f mysql57-community-release-el7-8.noarch.rpm yum clean all -y yum install mysql-server -y systemctl restart mysqld systemctl enable mysqld Secure MySQL grep “temporary password” /var/log/mysqld.log A temporary password is ..
Category : LEMP
I always forget how to do this, I usually spend more time looking for the guide I used last time than the just a basic guide!! Anyway, Use parted to create the partition parted /dev/sda mklabel gpt unit TB mkpart primary 0 100% print quit Create Physical LVM Volume # pvcreate /dev/sda1 Physical volume “/dev/sda1” ..
Looking at a Joomla site with a lurg, used a few find commands to try quickly weed out the mucky code, ran these and use..
Probably want this installed, yum install sendmail send..
Not familiar with this at all. Quick dirty cheat sheet for my own ..
I needed PHP 5.5 for an application but isn’t available in the epel repo so googled and used
Since you can get a shed load of RAM these day for next to nothing you might as well use to improve performance. Pretty easy to do, just tell your “server block” w..
Look, you could just download an rpm and run it, it’s not hard, but meh! Lazy, yum it, mine said mariadb, I though why not. yum install mariadb-serv..
Fancied a play with both CentOS 7 and Nginx, since I’ve used CentOS 6 (ok and 4 and 5, I’m old!) and apache. I’m still just going to do it the lazy way though, no f..